Alan Chanter
- Qualified Personal trainer for over 20 years
- Fitness Instructor, specializing in strength and conditioning, muscle building, weight and fat loss, circuit training, HIIT and competition prep
- Qualified rugby coach, coaching senior rugby in UK, underage rugby in Ireland
- Fulltime fire-fighter for over 30 years both in London and Galway City
- Fire-fighter fitness instructor, training fire-fighters to maintain fitness levels to the required operational standard
- Played senior rugby in National leagues in UK and Ireland
- Represented Middlesex at all levels, including senior
- Competed in bodybuilding and currently RIBBF
- Irish National Masters Bodybuilding Champion
Cilléin Groom
- Ireland's Strongest Junior 2019-2020
- Ireland's 2020 - 5th place
- Ireland's 2021 - 2nd place
- Have qualified for UKs strongest man in June
- Irelands Strongest Man 2023
Background: From a young age I use to love testing my strength by playing around with the big rocks in our garden, or trying to see how many bags of turf I could carry in each hand. Combined with 10 years of playing rugby and a bit of powerlifting, I was unknowingly preparing myself for the sport of strongman. My goal is to become the greatest Strongman Athlete Ireland has produced and to help other people reach their goals!
Jordan Duggan
Age: 23
Leinster schools junior and senior cup
Leinster u19s/20s and sub academy
Irish u19s
Two years Irish u20s
Connacht academy
Connacht senior professional rugby player
Background: My interest in training began from a very young age which helped as I started my rugby career. I began in a local rugby club and carried on throughout the school rugby programme. I was lucky enough to be selected into the Leinster underage programmes and worked my way up from there into an Irish u19 jersey and then later into an Irish u20 team which gave me the platform to be brought into the Connacht rugby academy where I did two years. On the back of a bad ACL injury, I was lucky enough to get contracted professionally by Connacht rugby, where I have been playing regularly since. Training has always been a huge part of my life and channeling it through a sport like rugby allows me to always compete and challenge myself.
Ewelina Kucybala
- 2021 RIBBF National Championship, bikini fitness, first timers 6th
- 2022 RIBBF wellness champion
- 2022 Cork wellness and overall winner
Physical activity has always been a big part of my life.
At the age of 7 I started practicing Ballroom and Latin American dancing and became the local champion soon after.
Later on, when I ceased competing I worked as a hip-hop choreographer, still being only a teenager.
I had a 5 year break from sports, doing my masters in English Philology at the University of Marie Sklodovska in Lublin, Poland.
After graduation me and my husband decided to move to Ireland for a year to explore this beautiful country. Nearly 20 years later we are still here, settled, with 2 kids. Ireland is our home now.
After my second pregnancy, the arch of my foot collapsed due to me being overweight and i had to undergo a surgery, that involved breaking the bones to rearrange them as well as implanting permanent metal support there.
Just over a year later I ran my 1st and only marathon in under 4 hours, the Galway Bay Marathon.
This was in my late 30s and
I had a dream to step on stage as a Bikini Fitness competitor for my 40th birthday and started working towards it.
I did accomplish that goal and it was suggested to me I should change categories from Bikini Fitness to Wellness. And just like that, what was to be a once off performance for my 40th birthday, it has become my lifestyle.
After a year of hard work and proper nutrition I took gold in Nationals, 2022, in Wellness and then became an overall winner 2 weeks later in Cork Championship.
Currently I am prepping to represent Ireland in Spain, May 2023, at the European Championship.
Being a mom of 2 young girls I believe it is my mission to show them that hard work makes your dreams come true.
It is difficult to juggle time between family life, work, online work, house chores, workouts and meal preps, but this is the life i have chosen and i will not stop till I get to my next 2 dream stages : Arnolds and Worlds.
What I love about this sport, especially being over 40 and a natural bodybuilder, is that it is always you vs you and the medals are just cherry on top if they happen to be given to you.